Yanik Utari* -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Linarti Linarti -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Yanti Magrice Jewun -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Inwi Wilamnak -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Sartika Situmorang -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Julius Rifaldo Putra -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Sithi Fardiani Yandedai -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Iryanti T.A. Fernandez -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Merlina Nangguar -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Yahya Wrait -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua
Patmawati Hasan -  Universitas Sepuluh Nopember Papua

DOI : 10.59688/bufnets.v2i2.38

The Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (Posbindu NCD) is a form of health empowerment and public knowledge about non-communicable diseases that have a greater risk. In this Posbindu NCD, of course there are activities and steps that have been determined. The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of Posbindu NCD itself and the use of UML (Unified Modelling Language) to develop a simple medical record information system. The use of UML is done because in the characteristics of UML there is the possibility of identification of any objects that affect the system. The research method used is literature review and interviews with cadres on duty. Meanwhile, the journal criteria used are in the 2011- 2020 range. The results of this study indicate that Posbindu NCD is very useful for early detection of non-communicable diseases and the use of UML to develop a simple medical record information system is very efficient.)

Information System; UML; Posbindu; Public Healt
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Article Info
Submitted: 2024-05-31
Published: 2024-08-23
Section: Articles
Article Statistics: 123